Solid earthing a power transformer means

Solid earthing a power transformer means: Neutral is directly connected to earth via conductor Neutral is connected to earth via a resistor Neutral is connected to earth via a suppression coil known as Peterson coil The neutral is connected to chassis of metal which is connected to earth via a resistor Correct answer: 1. Neutral … Read more

Buchholz relay is best classified as | Power System Protection MCQ

Buchholz relay is best classified as: Digital relay Numerical relay Gas-actuated relay Static Analog relay Correct answer: 3. Gas-actuated relay Buchholz relay is a gas-actuated relay which is used in oil-immersed transformers for providing protection against different types of faults. More PSP MCQ: Solid earthing a power transformer means In case of serious faults, Buchholz … Read more

Stator winding faults when not cleared in alternators

Stator winding faults when not cleared in alternators: Cause high damage Will badly damage the machine Both of these None of these Correct answer: 3. Stator winding faults are most dangerous and they need automatic protection. When such faults are not cleared they will result in huge damges to machine

The current transformers that are used to protect power transformer with star-delta connection against the earth and phase faults should be connected in which configuration

The current transformers that are used to protect power transformer with star-delta connection against the earth and phase faults should be connected in which configuration: Star – Delta Configuration Delta – Star Configuration Star – Star Configuration Delta – Delta Configuration Correct answer: 2. Delta – Star Configuration