Microprocessor relay belongs to which class of relays | Power System Protection MCQ


Microprocessor relay belongs to which class of relays: Electromechanical relay Analog Static relay Digital Static relay None of these Correct answer: 3. Digital Static Relay Explanation: The microprocessor relay belongs to the Digital Static Class of relays. A microprocessor relay is one of the most advanced types of relay found in modern protection systems.

Overheating of Transformer Happens Due to | Power System Protection MCQ

Overheating of the transformer happens due to: Overloading Short-circuits Both of these None of these Correct answer: 3. Both of these There are two major facts which cause overheating in transformer: Overloading Short-circuits Alongside overloading and short-circuits, failure of the transformer cooling system might also lead to overheating. However, this is rare as compared to … Read more

Which of the following statement is correct WRT Turbo alternator overvoltage protection | Power System Protection MCQ


Which of the following statement is correct WRT Turbo-alternator overvoltage protection: Turbo alternators are provided with the most critical protection Control governors are merely sensitive Overvoltage protection is usually not provided in turbo alternator None of these Correct answer: 3. Overvoltage protection is usually not provided in turbo alternator Control governors in turbo-alternators themselves are … Read more

Alternator Inverted Running occurs due to which fault | Power System Protection MCQ

Alternator Inverted Running occurs due to which fault: Failure of prime-mover Overvoltage winding fault Failure of rotor Correct answer: 1. Failure of prime-mover Explanation: When connected prime-mover fails, the alternator starts drawing current from the source. In other terms, the alternator behaves like a synchronous motor. In technical terms, Protection Engineers refer this term as … Read more