What is No-load slip value in induction motor | Induction Motor MCQ#14

No-load slip value percentage in an induction motor is:

  1. More than 50%
  2. About 30%
  3. Around 5%
  4. Less than 1%

Correct answer: 4. Less than 1%

Explanation: Slip in an induction motor is expressed mathematically by the formula:

s = s – ηr)/ηs


ηs = synchronous speed

ηr =  speed of rotor

At no-load condition, the rotor speed is almost equal to the synchronous speed. e.g A 4 pole, 60 Hz induction motor at no load turning at ηr = 1790 RPM will have slip = (1800 – 1790)/(1800) = 0.55%

Where 1800 is the synchronous speed of 4 pole, 60 Hz induction motor.

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